Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dance and Me

Dance is a major part of my life; it lets me get out emotions that I can’t describe in words. It is one way to put everything out there and not worry about what people will think. It is also a great way to get exercise but what is most important to me about dance, is the journey. I started dancing when I was 2 years old. I have grown physically, mentally and emotionally, and I have grown as a dancer, as I look back it is amazing how much dance has helped me through and taught me. Dance is more then a sport, it’s a way of life.

Whenever I need to get any strong emotions out, or emotions that I am scared to share with others, I dance. It is the one thing I can do without being judged. I can show my inner most thoughts and not worry about anything. There is a type of dance for every emotion that I am feeling. When I am angry or jealous, I do hip-hop, when I’m sad, I do contemporary, and when I am happy I do jazz.

Dance is what makes me, me.

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